Getting involved with an organization I’m passionate about gives new purpose to my design and allows me the opportunity to connect with all sorts of great people on one common purpose. Helping those that truly need help is what makes all the difference. Always looking for ways to get more people involved in the LiFE OF HOPE mission and connecting with other people is what it’s all about. From fun and inspiring fundraiser events to area support services, I’m honored to be working work with an ever-expanding array of unique individuals to engage the community and get them involved in our mission. LiFE OF HOPE is a 501 (c) 3 organization in Washington County, Wisconsin with a mission to create and provide evidence-based programs and resources for suicide prevention. Raising a healthy awareness of risk factors, behaviors, and intervention options associated with suicide, void of judgment or shame, through a message of hope and healing in Washington County. Learn more at LiFEofHOPEproject.org